Outright Gifts
Contributions of Cash, Check or Credit Card
An outright cash gift is the simplest form of giving and may be made in the form of cash, check or credit card. These contributions may be mailed or delivered in person to the Foundation office. Please make checks payable to "BMH Foundation". If you prefer, you may donate online by clicking on the "Donate Now" button at the top of our web pages. Details about how you would like your gift used should be enclosed along with your contribution. This information can be in the form of a personal note, a reference on the memo line of your check or indicated on a BMH Foundation gift envelope.
Unrestricted gifts are accepted by the Foundation and administered in accordance with the policies and directions of the BMH Foundation Board of Trustees. The CEO of Bakersfield Memorial Hospital and the Foundation Board review restricted gifts on an individual basis. If the donor's stated restrictions are in agreement with the hospital plans and Foundation policy, the Foundation will accept the restricted cash gift and administer it in accordance with the donor's wishes.
Pledging is the method many donors choose to make more meaningful gifts. Monthly, quarterly or annual payment arrangements may be made with the Foundation.
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
A memorial gift is an enduring tribute to a friend or loved one. It is a way to honor someone special or a very personal way to convey your feelings to a family who has lost a loved one. Making a tribute gift to honor an individual is a thoughtful way to commemorate a birthday, an anniversary or a kindness. Frequently, tribute gifts are made to honor special care received at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital.
Gifts of Stock or Securities
An outright gift of securities to Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Foundation can mean significant tax savings. If considering this type of gift, please contact the Foundation office.
For more information about giving opportunities, please call the Foundation office at (661) 541-0190.